Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Site of Future Morrow Home 1

The Lord greatly blessed us with the resources to purchase a small piece of property on which we plan to build a house. Please be lifting this goal to the Father as we submit our plans to Him and His will.

Site of Future Morrow Home 2 (Brimberry Family)

House Church with the Brimberrys 1

House Church with the Brimberrys 2

Here we are during worship. We had a lesson about how the ideal church family presented in Romans 12 is not only the ideal church, but is the church that we are called to be. So the church is not only the ideal, but is the actual representation of what a family is all about.

House Church with the Brimberrys 3

Hacky Pine Cone

Here's my brother-in-law Felipe with Jeffrey Brimberry. These two got into a hacky pine cone contest. Apparently Jeffrey is quite the hacky sacker, which seemingly will help with soccer skills. Anyway, Jeffrey didn't have his hacky sack with him at the moment so he used a pine cone- not exactly the same thing, but why not? What what am improvisional guy!